FREEYOU Next builds on FREEYOU – a project funded by the Media Literacy for All Programme – and its main product: a blended multilingual educational format (and resources) for media and data literacy, targeted to teachers, educators, facilitators that work with youngsters.

The project builds on an open platform that promotes an aware use of social media among youngsters, through innovative format with a focus over the following themes:
1) Fact-checking (social media verification, video/pictures authentication, source checking)
2) News distribution and amplification (filter bubbles, algorithmic filtering, viral content circulation)
3) Artificial intelligence (deep fake, synthetic media, etc)
FREEYOU Next is a project co-financed by European Union (under the Creative Europe Programme (CREA)).
The project is addressed to young people/digital native as main target of beneficiaries. The objectives of the project are:
capitalise the previous experience including contents, methodologies and communities developed by FREEYOU that covers 5 countries/languages and reached people (55 facilitators teachers trained, 440 students participated to the workshop, 13.509 timed accessed to the platform, 55 facilitators experienced);
develop new contents and methodologies with the focus on data literacy, awareness about the use of data, data visualisation for boosting awareness on European societal challenges, including democracy;
involve young digital artists to work through data sketch and data sculpture to enrich the project methodologies and contents with artistic representations to boost emotional change of perspectives/visions and behaviours;
involve youth in creative co-creation processes using data to make them active users of digital and media tools;
enlarge the EU coverage of countries, languages and the transnational community of facilitators, artists, young people.
Target Groups
The project is addressed to young people/digital native as main target of beneficiaries. The overall objective of the project is to explore the use of digital languages and creativity and technologies to allow the active and aware participation of youths and young artists, to the media democracy and political debate concerning the future of EU, investigating at the same time possible models of impact on the EU political agenda, also reinforcing the role of the artists in the media literacy echo-system and, more broadly, in the society.
