Work Plan

The project is aimed at designing, testing and spreading innovative educational resources focusing on media awareness, to make youngsters informed, conscious, empowered. We will enhance and experiment innovative formats – including the involvement of creatives/artists – to increase awareness about the risks of manipulation and misunderstanding while using social media and digital tools. Young people need to be informed and free to choose and decide, even in front of the insidious deep news, AI and use of data. On the other hand, it would be really great if youngsters, instead of being passive users of digital tools, they could be able to actively use them as tools to expand their creativity and their social engagement.

How to identify a truthful post, image or video? How to distinguish contents and identities produced by algorithms? Where do memes come from? How memes can be used to better inform other people?

The project wants to answer to these questions from a youth perspective to make them aware and informed.

And again, how are our data produced and used? And how data can be a source of awareness and creativity to better understand the reality that surrounds us and image inclusive and sustainable scenarios to make the right decisions for ourselves and the others?


1 . Work Package 1 – Project management and coordination

● Assure a complex good proceeding to the project in terms of guarantee of respect of the foreseen timetables and quality standards;
● Ensure the execution of all tasks in a timely and cost-efficient manner;
● Assure the general, financial and administrative management of the project and related reporting;
● Assure a continuous share of information and communication among the partners and the relations between the partnership and the European Commission;
● Assure the editorial independence of the project.


2 . Work Package 2 – Building on the future

● consolidate and update and enrich the FREEYOU know how in terms of contents, methodologies, tools, transnational community;
● to share and enrich with new partners, people and contexts the FREEYOU resources as basis to start from and with: related to Fact-checking, News distribution and amplification, Artificial intelligence;
● to co-design new contents, methodologies and tools focusing on data literacy integrating media literacy skills (like factchecking, manipulated images spotting), together with data literacy skills (as analyzing how visualizations can “lie”, understanding how artificial intelligence works through synthetic media or bots); or bots);
● to enlarge the linguistic and geographic coverage to enlarge the impact of the new FreeYou Next and its platform.


3 . Work Package 3 – Prototyping the Next

•The first part of the project is fundamental for the management and implementation of the project and will:Ensure a good complex procedure for the project in terms of guaranteeing the respect of the foreseen schedules and the quality norms;
● Ensure the execution of all tasks in a timely and cost-efficient manner;
● Assure the general, financial and administrative management of the project and related reporting;
● Assure a continuous share of information and communication among the partners and the relations between the partnership and the European Commission;
● Assure the editorial independence of the project.


4 . Package 4 – Piloting the present (FreeYou Next generation).

● to activate FreeYou Next facilitators and young ambassadors in each project countries;
● to test the FreeYou Next toolkits and the platform with trainers/facilitators from each country;
● to test the resources with groups of young participants in each country;
● to integrate education and artistic creativity in the FreeYou Next resources;
● to finalize the developed contents and methodologies;
● to enlarge the FreeYou Next transnational community.


Work Package 5 – Dissemination and Exploitation

· Provide high visibility of planned activities to a wide range of target groups and stakeholders;
· Explore media channels and networks to disseminate project results at national and EU level;
· Ensuring extensive dissemination, for example by exploring events organized by partners;
· Sensitize audiences around the challenges of the project;
· Engage policy makers and practitioners by highlighting the relevance and impact of digital art on data and media awareness;
· Generate awareness of the project, its relevance and impact on digital literacy;
· Mobilize and involve a diversified group of participants in the project’s activities, maximizing the exploration and sustainability of its results;
· Create connections with FREEYOU participants/cities;
· Build a large community committed to the goals of FreeYou Next, the valuation of its results and scalability efforts through networking and exhibition opportunities;
· Engage policy makers and practitioners by highlighting the relevance and impact of digital art on data and media awareness.