Meet the winning artists

At the end of October 2023, the FREEYOU Next project finalized the artist selection process of the international call launched on July 13, 2023.

3 digital creatives were selected to join a 6-month Fellowship Programme (starting at the beginning of February 2024) hosted by MEET, Gluon and FZC. The Fellowship programme consists of a blended approach with online meetings, mentorship, and a 2-week at least physical residency.

Challenges launched:

MEET – Koinocene: a new era of interconnectedness among human beings, other living organisms, and even non-living beings, including AI. How to activate relationships between different intelligences to foster digital awareness and creativity in young people?

FZC – How is the algorithm rule changing the perception of ourselves and the way we construct our self-esteem and relations with peers? How is making opinions evolve? Is it affecting our relations with the environment and others? What is the impact on our mental health? Gluon –The power of visual manipulation – How can artists raise awareness about the prevalence and impact of image manipulation, deepfakes, and visual disinformation? How can artistic interventions encourage critical visual literacy and equip individuals with the skills to detect and analyze manipulated images in the digital age?

Selected Artists:

Project title: “Human in The Loop”

Hosted by MEET

+ info: link

Project title: “A feeling machine”

Hosted by FZC

+ info: link

Project name: “Fake news Lab

Hosted by Gluon

+info: link 

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