Fake News Lab

Kasper Jordaens developed his “Fake News Lab” residency at Gluon (Brussels – Belgium) and now a new project was created: S.N.E.A.K.P.E.E.Q. (2024) – Surveillance ‘N’ Enforcement Application, Kinda Privacy Endangering & Ethically Questionable

This project was created during a workshop that Kasper gave covering the topics of Fake news and AI. The project was created with the help of students in the workshop.

Security in Brussels is a hot topic. Responding to current events, they introduce visitors to the Brussels police’s latest acquisition to ensure the capital’s security: smart AI cameras that automatically recognise people. We can read all about it in the article from Newzz magazine.

Only… It is (thankfully) fake news. While the visitor reads the article, the iPad takes a picture of the unsuspecting reader, and they ask AI to put his face live on an image where he commits an offence. Through fake news, they trap the reader and give a fake fine.

Kasper mentioned: “In every step of the process, we use AI technology. For instance, the article was co-written by AI and the laws were also devised by AI. Also, every photo is completely generated by AI, just like the face swap, which is done automatically with AI.”


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